
Audit & Compliance - Device42

Use Case Example: Audit & Compliance

Device42 is your trusted source of IT information to achieving continuous compliance.

Device42 customers have saved 100’s of hours of time from manually tracking IT resources for compliance and audit needs. And have saved thousands in software license costs.

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Real-World Audit & Compliance Use Case

Compliance & Audit Use Case

In the event when your organization has an upcoming audit (PCI, FDIC, HIPAA, or similar) and your team needs to produce evidence of compliance, Device42 allows you use the discovered data to built audit reports with the evidence you need in just a few clicks.

Here you can see all your hardware, OS, End-of-life/End-of-service devices in one single view.

For software audits, where vendors like Microsoft, Oracle and others may assess fines, Device42 allows you to run independently verified software license compliance reports to produce and avoid the fines. 

Here you can get all your software license inventory in one view, whether they are in service or not, when they were first added, what type of system they run on, and more.

Compliance & Audit Use Case
Compliance & Audit Use Case

When you need to rapidly identify whether a specific vulnerability release of a software package exists in your environment, Device42 allows you to search on any software name, version, OS, Kernel version, etc. to identify both the software and the specific devices within seconds!

Device42 enables your entire IT team to rely on a trusted single source of truth, jointly working on solving problems, and keeping future ones from happening in the first place.

Run IT with confidence.