Device42 – Official Blog

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Save and schedule option for device42 auto-discovery client

Starting with v3.0.0 beta, you can save and schedule windows and linux discovery(individually) as discussed below.

D42AutoDisc as a service


We have changed the D42Autodisc to run as a service starting with this version. This gives us the flexibility to run the process one time or save and schedule it to run even when the user is logged out.

Option to Run as service with save and schedule


v3.0.0b Interface is similar to original application with addition of configuring the “run as service” option and saving the schedule. Both windows and linux tabs have separate options to “run as service” and schedule the discovery.

Using the key file for linux auto-discovery


Based on feedback, we have added an option to use public/private key pair to authenticate to linux servers instead of using password.

Installer download

You can download the installer file from : /autodiscovery/


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Rock Johnston
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