We are excited to announce available of v10.1.1 of the .net auto-discovery software for enhanced device discovery. All the changes are discussed below.
SCCM integration
Integration with Microsoft SCCM is finally here! If you are using SCCM in your environment already, you don’t have to run re-discovery anymore with Device42. This new plugin within the auto-discovery tool will connect to the SCCM server and grab hardware and software inventory data using WMI namespaces.
Extended hostname options
In the earlier versions, the hostname was limited to computer name and there was an option to strip domain name. This often led to duplicate devices being created if additional discovery methods bought in the hostname differently. Now, you can choose any of the following combinations:
- Hostname as discovered
- Hostname plus domain name as discovered. If domainname already exists in the hostname, it will be not be added again.
- Both of the above with second option sent as alias. This is the recommended setting and in next release, we will make this the default going forward.
- First two again with hostname as alias and possible fqdn as name of the device.
Support for SSH key with passphrase
If you using SSH key with passphrase for authentication to your unix/linux servers – that options is now supported as well.
MySQL config file support for application mapping
If you have application mapping module enabled, the new version will bring in config file from oracle mysql server now as well.
Automated network device discovery with Device42
Take your automated network device discovery to next level with the latest release of Device42 auto-disc software: /autodiscovery/