New Auto-discovery client is going native now. No more external dependencies on powershell and ironpython. Here are the enhancements in this version of the client:
Basic CPU and memory info
New auto-doscovery client would get physical cpu count, cores per cpu, cpu speed and memory information now while discovering windows and linux devices on the network and upload the data to device42.
Windows device names in all lowercase
We have made a small change, where all discovered windows devices would be added with lowercase(instead of all caps in previous versions). This will not change any devices already inventoried in device42 appliance.
All servers and computers in AD option for windows is no longer there.
Option to discover all servers or computers in AD has been taken out for now. You can get that list from command line or powershell and copy paste into the computer list in the auto-discovery client.
Native Software
With this version, there are no more external dependencies on iron python and powershell.
Now we are doing wmi calls directly from C# and still using ssh for linux discovery.
So install is available in 2 flavors now: Regular msi package for installation and portable zip folder, where you can drop in the folder and it is ready to go!
Source code available on request
If you wish to see what it is doing and also wish to modify source to match your environment, you can request the source code for the auto-discovery client. Send us a note at [email protected] stating that( and please use your company email Id).
Update your inventory quickly with hardware bulk edit introduced in v311
With introduction of hardware bulk edit introduced in v311 for device42 appliance, it makes it much more easier to correctly categorize devices in bulk. And after the hardware has been categorized, any new discovered devices are categorized automatically.
Discover your environment today!
New version of the auto-discovery client is now available for download.
Please let us know your thoughts and help us make device42 a better data center inventory management software for you!
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